Friday, July 5, 2013

Around the Mountain...Again

Well, it has been a while since I posted a blog. There has been a lot of water under the bridge – some good and some not so good. It seems like summer just started and now it’s almost over. Wow, time does fly, although sometimes when you are in the midst of a storm, it may not seem that way. I would have to say, as storms go, the past few months have been mild compared to other “seasons.” They are blips on the radar of life that I am getting accustomed to experiencing.

My last blog was about my 20 years old son coming home. "He can't come home," I said. Well he did. He is gone again. No one wants to be right and this is not an "I told you so," post. I so wish it could have been different. Until he can get a handle on his addictions, I am afraid he will continue on this cycle of being in and out of jail and in and out of our lives. Just an FYI, while we asked him to leave, we don't shun him or choose not to speak to him, it is the other way around. It has probably been about a month since we've talked to him. He does pop up on Facebook every once in a while so we know he is still on the streets. He did get his GED while in jail so that is one step in the right direction. So many more to go.

My 19-year-old daughter graduated from high school in early June. Yeah! That was an awesome step for her. There was a lot of activity with grandparents in town, etc. She got a car, which wasn't a gift completely but was mostly paid for by her with money she has saved from her job. We are all learning how to deal with new freedoms and the responsibility that comes with car ownership.

Earlier this year I was praying for a change in my job situation. Well, praise God, I have a new job. I started work at the Diabetes Partnership of Cleveland on May 1. I love it and it fits in perfectly with what I would like to do in my off time...continue to write and market my book, The Grace Assignment. Unfortunately, my motivation has been lacking. I'm not sure why but I definitely need a good old fashioned kick in the pants. Ouch! There, that's done. Ok, now I need to get more exercise, eat healthier, check my blood sugar more often (I have Type 2 diabetes), write every day, blog once a week...I'm tired just thinking about it. Oh, and there's another one...get more sleep.

Hopefully it will not be months before I put my thoughts down here again. I actually have many thoughts that can translate well onto paper and are just waiting to come out. If anyone out there wants to help me with accountability, I would love to get together. You can find me on Facebook at www.facebook/ or www.facebook/ And, if you haven't read my book yet, The Grace Assignment, you can download it at Barnes and Noble or Amazon or message me and I will send you a copy. It has a lot of great reviews and I think you will find it to be an awesome summer read.